农奴是一部剧情片,强巴(旺堆 饰)出生在颈带枷锁的西藏农奴社会。父亲因顶撞农奴主被活活打死。母亲(强巴饰)还不起世代欠下的阎王债,也被热萨旺杰(穷达 饰)折磨而死。奶奶(拾雀卓玛 饰)含辛茹苦把强巴带到十多岁。一天,饥饿的强巴因吃了寺庙里的贡果,被土登活佛(次仁多吉 饰)罚为哑巴。从此,强巴被旺杰收为家奴,过着非人的生活,倔强的强巴为表示反抗,从此不再说话。一天,强巴的好友铁匠格桑(小多吉 饰)的妹妹兰朵(白玛央杰 饰)告诉他,专为人民做好事的“菩萨兵”解放军来了。西藏上层反动分子假装和谈,派旺杰的儿子热萨郎杰(穷达 饰)会见解放军,强巴在途中既要当上马的堑脚石,又要背郎杰过河。长期的屈辱生活使他怒火满腔,他把郎杰从背上摔了下来。幸亏解放军及时赶到,强巴才免受惩罚。解放军治好了他的伤,还用马送他回去。但凶狠的郎杰命管家把强巴拖在马后想致他于死地......
All of Qiangba's Tibetan ancestors have been serfs. Shortly after his birth, his parents are tortured to death by serf owner Wangjie. In his teens, he becomes a household serf of Wangjie, and passes an inhuman existence. Qiangba from then on refuses to speak, showing his resistance through silence. After the PLA enters Tibet, Qiangba and female serf Landuo leave to find the PLA. Landuo is rescued by the PLA, changing her fate, but Qiangba is caught and taken back. The serf owner's son, with support from foreign imperialists, foments armed rebellion. After the rebellion is smashed, Qiangba is rescued by the PLA, and the serfs are liberated at last. Qiangba is reunited with Landuo, and begins to speak again after many years of silence.
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