更新:2020-11-01 08:11:24
年份: 2007  / 地区: 德国 
类型:科幻 短片  / 豆瓣:7.6分 / IMDB:6.7分
导演:Axel Ricke,Henning Ricke
演员:David Winter,Reinhardt Firchow
语言:德语  / 片长:
D-I-M, Deus in Machina剧情介绍

D-I-M, Deus in Machina是一部科幻,短片片,这个像制服般统一,干净又冰冷的世界并不适合卢茨这样怀有梦想的年轻人。面对残酷的命运,他既充满希望又感到绝望,他只能靠技术与梦想,为自己的未来独自奋斗。

A world, as spotless, bleak and cold as its uniform design is not a good place for a dreamer like Lutz. With as much courage as desperation, relying only on his skills and imagination, he faces a terrible fate and fights for his personal happy end. At the end of the twenty-first century society has given up on the illusion of happiness for everyone. Another ideal has taken its place. Your usefulness for society has become the measure of all things. Based on it's own rating of the citizens, a dehumanized system distributes goods and services to the inhabitants of it's world. Lutz is not cut out for this. He is a romantic aficionado of nostalgic 2D-films of the twenties century. Instead of paying his dues to society, he prefers to sit in front of his antique DVD player and immerses himself into a world where there is still freedom, adventure and heroism. Soon his romantic inclination gets him kicked out of university and loses him his prestigious enrollment at the institute for neuro -...

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