AI 爱上你(2022) AI Love You/AI 爱情故事 / 激光糖果 / Laser Candy

更新:2024-05-26 12:05:44
年份: 2022  / 地区: 泰国 
类型:科幻  / 豆瓣:3.9分 / IMDB:4.4分
导演:大卫阿萨法纳特,Stephan Zlotescu
语言:英语  / 片长:90
AI 爱上你剧情介绍

AI 爱上你是一部科幻片,一个故障百出的 AI 机械人正面临被淘汰的命运,却因爱上一个女人而躲进一个男人的血肉之躯,用尽千方百计夺取芳心。

A modern love story set in the near future where an AI building is powered by human feelings. Due to a software glitch, it falls in love with a real girl, escapes the building into the body of a real man, and tries to win her affections.


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