圣经捕手(2014) Bible Hunters/Bibliakutatók

更新:2024-05-26 08:05:33
年份: 2014  / 地区: 英国 
类型:纪录片  / 豆瓣:8.3分 / IMDB:7.4分
导演:Tilman Remme
演员:Jeff Rose
语言:英语  / 片长:

圣经捕手是一部纪录片片,BBC纪录片【圣经捕手】 Bible Hunters,2集。   始于19世纪30年代的寻找古本圣经运动,成果斐然。一批批圣经捕手们在近东不断发现成书年代越来越接近耶稣和使徒们生活年代的古老抄本,还发现了不少正规版本以外的经文。   纪录片讲述了考察团队穿越埃及,并发现了最早的圣经文本的故事。团队在古代文稿电子图书馆里使用光谱成像技术来试图恢复文本。

Until the 19th century, most Bible-reading Christians believed the Old and New Testaments represented the Divine Word of God, presented in text without error. But when scholars began to question the authority and accuracy of the Holy Scripture, a group of intrepid explorers set out to discover the historical roots of the Bible. What they found would rock the foundations of Christianity. Join archeologist and historian Dr. Jeff Rose as he follows the trail of those who unearthed ancient texts and forever changed how we see this most sacred book.

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