传闻中的陈芊芊(2020)/传闻中的三公主 / The Romance of Tiger and Rose

更新:2024-05-26 11:05:52
年份: 2020  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:喜剧 爱情 奇幻 古装  / 豆瓣:7.3分 / IMDB:8分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

传闻中的陈芊芊是一部喜剧,爱情,奇幻,古装片,母胎单身七流编剧陈小千呕心沥血写了一部古装题材大剧,原可顺利开机,却因为演员韩明星对剧本感情戏质疑过多而崩盘。愤懑难平发誓要证明自己能力的她,意外卡进了自己的剧本,变身花垣城地位尊贵但恶评满满的三公主。原本一个活不过三集 的小女配,为了活命开编剧副本,逆转荒唐人生,在不懂套路的犬系少城主韩烁和人设完美外貌满分的花垣城司学裴恒之间,最终学会爱与成长。

Chen Xiao Qian, an unknown screenwriter who's been single since birth, worked really hard and finally finished a grand drama of a heroine. It was planned to started filming, but stopped because the actor Han Ming Xing questioned a lot about the script. One day, she accidentally got stuck in her own script and turned into the third princess of Huayan city, a city where females dominate. The third princess past self was determined to marry Han Shuo, a crown prince of the enemy city despite being engaged to Pei Heng, a ministry of education. The little support role of Third Princess revises the whole play to survive and eventually develop her relationship between prince Han Shuo and Pei Heng.

一句话评论:后悔,就是后悔。“冠姓权”这件事,竟然被一部甜宠剧讨论了。。关于架空设定的一点猜想:剧情漏洞或许是为了契合女主角“没有社会经验的新人编剧”的设定。从第六集开始,曾经说这是部好剧的我 被疯狂打脸。是小甜剧,更是对现实的反讽。别尬jv了,男的也要点守宫砂。电视剧《传闻中的陈芊芊》,甩了《长相守》几条街。剧名和海报文案很土,但看完一集立马真香了,这剧能让人笑到嘴裂。这剧看的我太快乐了-这不只是看剧,弹幕也是部连续剧。夏天适合吃点甜的——《传闻中的陈芊芊》。
