黑暗浪潮: 风暴边缘(2016) Darkwave: Edge of the Storm/

更新:2020-02-17 07:02:20
年份: 2016  / 地区: 英国 
类型:科幻 短片  / 豆瓣:5.3分 / IMDB:5.6分
导演:Darren Scales
演员:娜塔莉·考克斯,谢恩·里默,Robin Kirwan,Ste
语言:英语  / 片长:
黑暗浪潮: 风暴边缘剧情介绍

黑暗浪潮: 风暴边缘是一部科幻,短片片,英国几百年后的世界,暗物质浪潮侵袭银河系,人类被迫向宇宙各处发现的新地球移民。片中一家人移民到南宫二新殖民地。新地球当局出于资源匮乏的考虑,禁止居民与外界未找到定居点的舰队联系。同时,有一部分儿童发生变异,能与作为曲率引擎能源的暗物质晶簇接触而不被伤害......

One hundred years from now, Starlight crystals enable faster than light travel. But a terrible phenomenon called the DARKWAVE inexplicably damages the crystals, leaving millions stranded across the galaxy. Twenty years later and it is a desperate and frightening place ruled by an oppressive authority under martial law. On a distant planet, a young family is escaping capture in a stolen military truck. David, Sarah and their young son Ben, stumble across a burning outpost. Tired, hungry and risking capture, they are forced to stop and search for supplies, only to discover a live Starlight crystal - too dangerous even to touch. As they search for supplies, a deafening noise of an approaching ship forces them to race back to the truck and escape only to find their Son missing. As the ominous bird shaped fighter hovers over them, The Ministry's reason for pursuing them is spectacularly revealed.

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