通灵少女(2017) 通靈少女/The Teenage Psychic

更新:2022-03-25 11:03:28
年份: 2017  / 地区: 中国台湾  
类型:剧情 悬疑 奇幻  / 豆瓣:7.6分 / IMDB:7.6分
语言:汉语普通话   闽南语  / 片长:

通灵少女是一部剧情,悬疑,奇幻片,谢雅真(郭书瑶 饰)表面看来只是一名平凡的少女,可实际上,她拥有着一双能够洞悉阴阳两界的双眼。父母在谢雅真很小的时候就将她送入庙中修行,拜在金胜在(陈慕义 饰)门下,她的工作就是利用自己的特异功能,帮助客户们解决那些发生在他们身上的,科学无法解释的事件。   在学校里,谢雅真尽己所能的低调行事,因此显得有些格格不入,除了她最好的朋友黄巧薇(郑茵声 饰),没有人知道谢雅真的另一重身份。一次偶然中,谢雅真邂逅了名为何允乐(蔡凡熙 饰)的转校生,趣味相投的两人很快就成为了知己,与此同时,美好的感情亦因为何允乐的存在而在谢雅真的内心里渐渐萌芽。

Xiao Zhen is a 16-year-old girl who just wants to lead a typical teenage high school life. But, born with the ability to see spirits, her life will never be normal. Xiao Zhen must juggle the pressures of teenage life - first love, academic success and peer pressure - with the demands of the spirit world. As Xiao Zhen learns to use her abilities to help the living deal with their loved ones on the other side - spirits who are lost, forgotten, angry or just crying out for help - this teenager finds that fixing other people's problems gives her the strength she needs to navigate high school and her first major romantic encounter. But Xiao Zhen's powers become a danger for her as others seek to use her abilities for their own greed.

一句话评论:魔法少女的世俗人生。这部夏目友人帐式的台剧,只有六集,却暖心到炸裂。规则存在就有道理(找不到资源可以私我嗯(⊙_⊙))。【新剧有感】见习人生(内含剧透)。不同角度评价通灵少女 (含剧透,慎入!)。青春片的装载人情温暖。真人真事。可能是挂羊头卖狗肉的好片。天眼少女成长记。通灵少女。
