血咒人魔(2007) Bone Eater/骸骨骑士

更新:2021-08-26 01:08:29
年份: 2007  / 地区: 美国 
类型:科幻 惊悚 恐怖  / 豆瓣:3.5分 / IMDB:2.8分
导演:Jim Wynorski
演员:Paul Rae,Adrian Alvarado,Bruce
语言:英语  / 片长:

血咒人魔是一部科幻,惊悚,恐怖片,深夜某偏僻小镇,一组小型施工队挖掘机似乎挖到什么奇怪的东西,工人粗鲁无知,企图使用蛮力将其挖出。谁知土中的碎片竟然组成一副巨大的恶魔骨架,将现场三名工人逐一杀害。此事惊动了当地的治安官史蒂夫·伊云斯(Bruce Boxleitner 饰)和该工程项目的老板克伦特兹(Jim Storm 饰)。此地在很久以前曾是原住民卡通那人的土地,他们为了阻止该项目的实施一直在进行不懈的抗议。工地中挖出的许多古代器皿让克伦特兹倍感不安,他要求工头封锁消息,以防卡通那人借此闹事。为平息克伦特兹对原住民的无端猜测,史蒂夫拜访了卡通那人的族长,得知那是一片邪恶之地,恐怖的食骨者便埋藏于此。   时间一分一秒流逝,复活的食骨者展开了最为无情的杀戮……

In Sweet Water, the ambitious entrepreneur Dick Krantz is constructing a resort in the middle of the desert under the protest of the Katonahs. When three workers find some Indian relics and bones in a ditch in the site, they accidentally release the giant skeleton like creature known as Bone Eater and their bones are devoured by the monster. The half-breed Sheriff Steve Evans a.k.a. Running Wolf is in charge of the investigation of the disappearance of the workers, being pressed by Krantz to arrest the protesters. But the Bone Eater attacks and kills other locals, while Chief Storm Cloud seeks an ancient Tomahawk capable of destroying the evil creature.

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