吸血鬼保姆 第一季(2011) My Babysitter's a Vampire/吸血鬼保姆

更新:2024-05-26 11:05:15
年份: 2011  / 地区: 美国 
类型:喜剧 动作  / 豆瓣:5.9分 / IMDB:7.1分
演员:马修·奈特,凯特·托德,瓦妮莎·摩根,Cameron Ken
语言:英语  / 片长:
吸血鬼保姆 第一季剧情介绍

吸血鬼保姆 第一季是一部喜剧,动作片,《吸血鬼保姆》是一部加拿大电视剧,该剧已在加拿大,法国,美国依次上映。该剧剧情紧接其同名电视电影。电影中,Ethan发现自己可以通过接触一样东西,而看见幻影,类似于我们所说的通灵者。而他的好朋友Benny居然是一个魔术师,虽然他的咒语总是会出现不一样的后果,每次都需要他的魔法师奶奶来收拾烂摊子。阴差阳错成为Ethan保姆的Sarah原来是一只新生的吸血鬼,而Ethan的好朋友Rory也变成了吸血鬼。危机化解之后,Ethan以为一切都会回归正轨,但是生活总是事与愿违。他们之间又会发生怎么样惊险刺激的故事呢?电视剧系吸血鬼保姆将会为你一一呈现。

Ethan Morgan is a geeky freshman, not trusted by his parents to stay home alone with his little sister Jane. They hire Erica, a girl from Ethan's high school who is a huge fan of "Dusk", as a babysitter. However, Erica comes across her best friend Sarah, and Jesse, Sarah's vampire ex-boyfriend, on the night she is to babysit, and decides to attend a party that Jesse is throwing instead. During a fight between Sarah and Jesse, Sarah ends up at Ethan's house and tells Ethan's parents that she was asked to babysit instead. Ethan has a vision when touching Sarah, and notices she has no reflection in the mirror, leaving him suspicious of her. He confides this in his dorky best friend, Benny. Sarah leaves to get Erica back from the party, knowing the party is full of bloodthirsty vampires. Curious, the boys have Benny's grandmother watch over Jane while they follow Sarah. They see her feed on a rat and realize she is a vampire. Sarah quickly explains that she is only a fledgling, a vampire ...

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