美好生活(2018)/Wonderful Life

更新:2024-05-26 11:05:24
年份: 2018  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:4.9分 / IMDB:5.8分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

美好生活是一部剧情,爱情片,一晃眼,徐天(张嘉译 饰)在美国已经呆了十年了。在这十年里,徐天的人生发生了翻天覆地的变化,从一个意气风发的留学生,沦为了遭遇了中年危机的普通人。最终,失去了一切的徐天灰头土脸的回了国,哪知道在机场因为心脏斌发作而晕倒在地,为了保住性命,徐天进行了心脏替换手术。   手术的成功令徐天捡回了一条命,之后,他定居母亲所经营的婚姻介绍所,在那里,徐天结识了名为梁晓慧(李小冉 饰)的女孩。梁晓慧和徐天之间产生了奇妙的化学反应,梁晓慧的前夫在一场意外中不幸丧生,而她一直有一种奇怪的感觉,感到在徐天的身上有着自己亡夫的影子。

Tian Xu, approaching middle age and in the midst of both relationship and career crises, decides to go back home to China after ten years of living in the United States. His wife, Bai, is having an affair with an American named Frank, literally in front of his face, and their marriage is clearly over. At the Beijing airport, Tian has a sudden heart attack and nearly dies, but becomes the recipient of a timely heart transplant and gets a second chance at life. After the operation, he coincidentally meets Xiaohui Liang, the widow of the slain police officer who donated the heart that saved him. The two gradually grow close, but as their relationship becomes more complicated, Bai abruptly reappears on the scene, asking Tian to take her back. They go through a cycle of reunions and breakups, until finally Tian realizes that Xiaohui is the one he truly loves. Just as he summons the courage to admit his feelings for her, however, he suffers another stroke, and his heart is replaced once ...

