斗牛,要不要(2007) 鬥牛,要不要/Hooping Dulcinea

更新:2019-11-27 01:11:03
年份: 2007  / 地区: 中国台湾 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:6.6分 / IMDB:5.7分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

斗牛,要不要是一部剧情,爱情片,伊胜雪(田馥甄 Hebe 饰)是地十三街大地主伊全武的独生女,看似文静淑女的外表,其实有着一颗野蛮公主的内心。对街头篮球一窍不通的她,却是地十三街斗牛场九连霸东上的超级粉丝。东上与蓝地的第十场比赛,东上之首的富少沈若赫(贺军翔 Mike He 饰)在赶场的路上偶遇伊胜雪,二人一见面就气场不合冲突不断,沈若赫这一天更是倒霉透顶,不仅差点比赛迟到还丢了球鞋,最后因为失误毁掉了东上九连霸的记录。为此耿耿于怀的胜雪为了惩罚若赫,决定加入东上学院。争吵不断的二人就此结下不解之缘,开始了一段冤家路窄的奇妙生活。而就在二人渐生情愫的同时,胜雪青梅竹马的贴身保镖金子聪(李威 Wei Lee 饰)则一直默默陪伴保护着胜雪。

It started as a 3-on-3 basketball competition between two rival schools; an annual event in which the winner would control the 13th Street basketball court for the following year. To everybody's surprise, the 9-year reigning champion lost this year - and it was all because of one girl. Now, this game has a new purpose. Yi Sheng Xue (Hebe Tien), a hot-headed young girl, is an avid Bull Fighting fan. At her side is her loyal childhood friend and personal bodyguard, Jin Zi Cong (Lee Wei). Their lives take a drastic turn when they meet Shen Ruo He (Mike He), whom Sheng Xue falls deeply in love with. However, they encounter many obstacles that stand in the way of them being together. Will love triumph over evil? And will Zi Cong be able to live with seeing the woman he loves, love another man?

一句话评论:嗨,曾经的美好回忆。就让我为这纯净的爱再感动一次。若赫其实才是真正好男人。成长的标志(节选)。爱情斗牛赛。爱一个人的感觉是怎样?。斗牛要不要 用骄傲单挑搜索。觉得最经典的台词。斗牛要不要--为男二号鸣不平。因为斗牛,才发现小美和杨丞琳真的很配。

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