沉默的新娘是一部剧情片,影片讲述了越南小镇上一个从小无母、由继父养大的男孩探寻未曾谋面的母亲的经历,并由此慢慢展开了多年前发生在其母亲身上的感伤故事。 男孩的母亲由于未婚先孕,被其父交给村里人按规矩处置。他母亲宁愿遭受祭天的惩罚也不愿说出孩子的父亲是谁。眼看刚出生的男孩就要被放上竹排随波漂流任其自身自灭,突然间一场暴风雨降临,夺去了许多村民的性命。混乱中,母子俩为三名男子所救。在一处僻静的郊野,五人过起了隐居的生活……
A gorgeous young woman endures the wrath of her strict family and fellow villagers when she becomes pregnant out of wedlock and refuses to name the father. 17 years later, her son strives to learn the truth about his birth and the mystery surrounding the disappearance of his long-missing mother.
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