Sex hopp och kärlek是一部剧情片,这是一个关于“爱的能力、性的欲望及对希望的需求”的故事。 Lisa Olin是一名才华出众的瑞典导演。她的电影通常是关注那些普通人的寻常矛盾和冲突,并将之融入戏剧化的色彩。 “性,希望和爱”是电视主持人Bertil所主持的一档节目, 他充当着丘比特的角色来撮合那些单身男女... 故事中的每位人物都有自己的不尽相同的烦恼,通常是因为他们感觉到所面对的真实生活很残酷,令他们认为或许生活在谎言中更好。然而故事结尾,他们发现真实并非他们所想的那样,真实中同样有着“性,希望和爱”。至少对他们而言如此。
A drama about the power of Love, the lust for Sex, and the need for Hope. Birgit is stuck in an uneventful, everyday life with her husband Lennart and their teenage daughter. When Bertil, once her childhood sweetheart and now a famous TV-host, returns home after 19 years, Birgit sees her big chance to change her life. While Bertil's arrival raises new hopes for Birgit, it also brings out well hidden memories and burning secrets in her family. As it turns out, Birgit is not the only one longing for a change.
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