绘图人(1969) The Illustrated Man/纹身情仇

更新:2024-05-26 12:05:23
年份: 1969  / 地区: 美国 
类型:科幻  / 豆瓣:6.5分 / IMDB:6.1分
语言:英语  / 片长:103

绘图人是一部科幻片,美国1969年杰克.斯玛特(《中途岛战役》《地狱先锋》)经典cult名作,   改编自Ray Bradbury的同名小说,   是一部三段式的电影,曾获法国雨果奖提名。   简介:故事的主角Rod Steiger是一个全身覆盖着纹身般图腾的神秘男子,他身上的每一个图案都代表着一 段他经历过的神奇故事。当男主角在酒吧里遇上了一位陌生人,便开始叙述这一个个充满科幻冒险的往事,当故事听到最后,这个陌生人才赫然发现,自己也成为了男主角身上的一枚图腾。这是一部神怪影片,情节 荒唐离奇,神乎其神。“神"是这部影片的主题,导演利用摄影和剪辑的技巧,通过剧中人的梦境,叙说以及镜头的闪回,把主人公的遭遇和精神上的痛苦描写得恰到好处,主人公身上的画中故事更是令人感到神秘。

The Illustrated Man is classic Bradbury, a collection of eighteen startling visions of humankind's destiny, unfolding across a canvas of decorated skin, visions as keen as the tattooist's needle and as colorful as the inks that indelibly stain the body. The images, ideas, sounds and scents that abound in this phantasmagoric sideshow are provocative and powerful: the mournful cries of celestial travelers cast out cruelly into a vast space of stars and blackness, the sight of gray dust settling over a forgotten outpost on a road that leads nowhere, the pungent odor of Jupiter on a returning father's clothing. Here living cities take their vengeance, technology awakens the most primal natural instincts, Martian invasions are foiled by the good life and the glad hand, and dreams are carried aloft in junkyard rockets.
