放弃我,抓紧我(2016)/白纸时光 / Stay with Me

更新:2024-05-26 01:05:08
年份: 2016  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:4.6分 / IMDB:8.1分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

放弃我,抓紧我是一部剧情,爱情片,一次意外溺水,长时间脑部缺氧让著名服装设计师厉薇薇失去了部分记忆,她的记忆停留在23岁。记忆中热恋的同为设计师的男友竟成了竞争对手,而一个陌生人却成了她的未婚夫。薇薇不相信自己会和前男友陈亦度分手,她努力调查前因。未婚夫霍骁为了保护薇薇,追回自己的未婚妻,千方百计阻挠薇薇调查,守在她周围。   厉薇薇回溯过去,发现自己和身边的人在忙碌中逐渐忘记了最初的梦想。薇薇和陈亦度分手的原因,也是因为两人在追逐事业的过程中,忽视了爱与沟通,在斗气和误会的道路上越走越远,陈亦度误会薇薇和霍骁的关系,最终和她分手。30岁的厉薇薇决定改变现状,她逐步解开过去的误会,和对手冰释前嫌,不但找回了爱情,也重拾了初心和梦想。

Joe "Qiao En" Chen (Easy Fortune Happy Life, Fated to Love You) and Wang Kai (Nirvana in Fire) star in a romantic drama about a woman who gets everything she ever wanted, only to realize it came at the price of the very person she wanted to share it with. Li Wei Wei (Joe Chen) is a 30 year-old fashion designer who has already achieved more than most do in their entire lives. But after an accidental drowning, she loses every memory of the last seven years. Now, in Wei Wei's mind, her life is the way it was when she was 23 years old, a young fashion design wannabe who was deeply in love with Chen Yi Du (Wang Kai). Seven years ago, they were inseparable. Today, he is a bitter ex. Confused by what caused this seemingly sudden change, Li Wei Wei investigates, only to learn that the hectic life of a success-driven designer essentially engulfed not just the love she shared with Chen Yi Du, but also the charming, dreamy-eyed girl that she was seven years ago. Meanwhile, as Li Wei Wei begins ...

一句话评论:为何国产偶像剧的女主角总喜欢叫微微。果然,不能对国产偶像剧怀有期待。失望的失望,时尚果然还没有拍的特别好的。狗血梗的集大成者。想问各位,什么情况下自己的剧评会不见。不至于迷之尴尬也不至于拍案叫绝 中规中矩的偶像剧一枚。演员的表演方式。除了乔任梁 其他的都是失望。无题。拉低所有人的演技。

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【720p高清中文字幕】放弃我,抓紧我迅雷下载.2016.18.56gb.torrent 18.56GB