白宫风云 第四季(2002) The West Wing/白宫群英 第四季

更新:2024-05-25 11:05:33
年份: 2002  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:9.3分 / IMDB:8.8分
导演:Chris Misiano
语言:英语  / 片长:
白宫风云 第四季剧情介绍

白宫风云 第四季是一部剧情片,大选终于结束了,选民已投下神圣的一票,连任的巴特勒执政团队在本季展开野心勃勃的第二个任期,巴特勒的执政团队自有一套议程及使命,但历史潮流却处处和他们作对。   许多事件都在这一季中浮上台面,山姆离开转向共和党争取国会席位,副总统闹出丑闻,非洲种族屠杀事件引发了干预他国内政的问题,更使得一向极为大胆的外交政策应运而生。一次令人匪夷所思的事件导致总统替补人选宣誓就任。

After Bartlet gives a campaign speech at an Indiana farm, Josh, Toby and Donna are left behind by the presidential motorcade and must work their way across the state with the help of the farmer's daughter and, later, a teenage campaign volunteer, enduring many setbacks along the way. Josh and Toby obsess and bicker over how best to play the president's intellectualism, viewed by many as snobbery, against Republican opponent Robert Ritchie's "regular guy" persona, while Donna must keep them on track and communicate with the real Americans they encounter along the way. Back at the W.H., the president deals with a terrorist attack at an Iowa college swim meet, meets with Leo, Nancy and Fitzwallace to discuss how to handle the prospect of the U.S. and/or Israel being accused of a conspiracy in the assassination of Qumari defense minister Abdul Shareef, and interviews secretarial candidates, including a second round with Debbie Fiderer; the wandering party finally arrive at a city with an airport (presumably South Bend) and stop briefly at a nearby hotel, where they learn about the Iowa attack and Donna chastises the two men for caring only about the campaign and not the people it affects; later in the hotel bar, Josh and Toby meet a man trying to figure out how to pay his daughter's tuition to Notre Dame, and he inspires them to initiate new tax policy.

一句话评论:We will do what is hard。Mark。

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白宫风云 第四季 The West Wing 1999 Season 4 Co