荼蘼(2016)/植剧场之荼蘼 / Life Plan A and B / Two Me / 荼靡

更新:2023-03-25 01:03:07
年份: 2016  / 地区: 中国台湾 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:8.5分 / IMDB:7.6分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

荼蘼是一部剧情,爱情片,郑如薇(杨丞琳 饰)和男友汤有彦(颜毓麟 饰)相恋多年,彼此之间感情十分稳定。某一日,身为企业白领的郑如薇遇到了一个千载难逢的升职机会,只是,得到这个机会的她要前往上海工作,这也就意味着,她和汤有彦必须开始一段充满了未知和痛苦的异地恋情。离开或留下,郑如薇不知道该如何选择。   电视剧以平行时空的手法描述了郑如薇做出选择之后可能会面临的结局。选择了离开,郑如薇虽然在职场上经营得风生水起,但和汤有彦之间的距离却渐行渐远,并且最终面临着分道扬镳的结局。选择了留下,郑如薇怀孕生子,却渐渐湮没了光芒,成为了平凡而又劳碌的全职太太。

Wei Ru (Drunken To Love You star Rainie Yang) and You Yan (Yan Yu Lin) have a simple relationship. They aren't rich, but they still to enjoy life, even if it means eating three packs of instant noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They are, however, very serious about their relationship and sincerely trying to achieve something in life while staying together. One day, opportunity comes knocking at Wei Ru's door, as her company wants to send her to Shanghai, with both a promotion and higher pay. However, the lovely couple cannot imagine living so far together, let alone running a long-term, long-distance relationship. With so much uncertainty in their future, can the two pick the right life plan, or will their dreams shatter in this struggle between option A and B? Life Plan A and B together with Love of Sandstorm are part of the "Q Series" lineup of short dramas also known as "Roseleaf Bramble," that began airing on TTV on Aug 19, 2016. The first segment, consisting of seven ...

一句话评论:荼蘼:烧毁了我,烧毁了你,未到来的未来。关于我的方案ab。不要用牺牲来绑架自己和别人。。从操作方式分析方案B的失败。Two Me。一个老套的、现代版“妻道”的故事。短评放不下的短评。。女孩子 无论选哪条路 都会很辛苦。难得让人思考的剧,特别想写总经理。荼靡经典台词。
