更新:2019-05-10 02:05:42
年份: 1912  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情 喜剧 爱情 短片  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:0.0分
语言:英语  / 片长:
A Militant Suffragette剧情介绍

The course of true love was running very smoothly until the girl became interested in the cause of votes for women. Her fiancé did not approve of it. There was a quarrel, and the engagement ring was haughtily returned. The young woman not only stubbornly refused to make up, but decided to become a really truly militant suffragette. One of the Amazon leaders from England was in New York at the time, preparing for the kind of revolution that is so popular in London. Under her banner the girl enrolled, pledging herself to \"annoy, harass and intimidate tyrant men, until we are permitted to vote.\" In pursuance of this purpose the militants went out on a little window smashing expedition one day. The girl was arrest, but the others escaped. One of the fugitives met the ex-fiancé and told him the horrible details. He went to the rescue in a taxicab, became peevish when held up for speeding, attacked a policeman and was arrested. In the police court the former lovers met and reconciled. Even handed justice gave them equal rights, ten days in jail each. They did not want their friends to know the facts, so before being led to their respective cells, they were hastily married, and the girl's father received word that they were on their honeymoon and would return in ten days. He had planned a big wedding and was naturally upset, but, as he said, \"It is hard to understand young folks these days.\" And the truth of this most peculiar honeymoon never came out.

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