电台甜心(2012) Radio Rebel/DJ甜心 / 无线电叛逆 / 叛逆主播

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:34
年份: 2012  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情 家庭  / 豆瓣:5.6分 / IMDB:6.2分
演员:黛比·瑞恩,Sarena Parmar,Adam DiMar
语言:英语  / 片长:89

电台甜心是一部剧情,家庭片,塔拉(黛比•莱恩Debby Ryan 饰)是一名非常平凡的17岁女高中生,家庭的影响让塔拉的性格非常的害羞内向,她甚至不敢再大家面前大声的说话,每个人都把塔拉当做是毫无还手之力的小羊羔。可是,实际上,塔拉是一个非常有自己想法的女孩子,每当她回到家中,进入自己一方小小的天地后,都会暴露出热情奔放的一面。   塔拉建立了一个名为“Radio Rebel”的私人电台,只有在这里,她才能够作为DJ肆意展现自己真实的一面。很快,这个电台便在校园内走红了,有了一批忠实的听众,但依旧没有人知道,他们经常谈及的那个流行的电台背后的女人竟然就是塔拉。

High schooler Tara, a girl so painfully shy that she can't even write a single letter on the board in front of a class, has an awesome secret - she is "Radio Rebel". When Tara puts on that headset in her room and does her daily podcast, she becomes a confident, outspoken, inspiring, anonymous voice on the airwaves. When her stepfather, the owner/producer guy at SLAM radio, finds out that Tara is Radio Rebel, Tara gets to move from her bedroom to a sound studio to do live shows for SLAM. Everything is the perfect amount of chaos until Principal Moreno, whose only goal in life seems to be to destroy others, cancels Prom and all the students blame Rebel.

