战争幸存者(2006) Живой/冰原狙击 / 活者 / Zhivoy / Alive

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:16
年份: 2006  / 地区: 俄罗斯 
类型:剧情 悬疑 战争 奇幻  / 豆瓣:7.3分 / IMDB:6.5分
导演:Aleksandr Veledinsky
演员:Andrei Chadov,Maksim Lagashkin
语言:俄语  / 片长:98

战争幸存者是一部剧情,悬疑,战争,奇幻片,残酷的战争降临大地,青葱岁月也因此蒙上一层阴霾。   车臣战争期间,俄罗斯青年士兵基尔(Andrei Chadov 饰)所在的小分队遭遇敌人伏击,基尔失去一条腿,而两名战友尼基什(Maksim Lagashkin 饰)和伊格尔(Vladimir Yepifantsev 饰)则为了掩护他献出年轻的生命。   回到家乡的基尔开始筹划与心上爱人塔提亚娜(Viktoriya Smirnova 饰)的婚礼,但车臣战争的阴影却始终笼在他的心头,无法散去。更为诡异的是,尼基什和伊格尔的鬼魂跟上了他,只有他自己才能看见……

Kir returns home from the war in Chechnya, missing a leg, but still alive. Kir had enlisted to earn enough money to marry Tatyana. But, now that he has returned, he feels distant from her, and all that he had known. Kir is still haunted by his experiences in Chechnya, and the tragic deaths there of his two friends, fellow soldiers Nikich and Igor. Unable to adjust to civilian life, Kir begins to get into trouble. He impulsively commits a robbery, then a more horrible crime. After a traffic accident on a lonely stretch of road, the ghosts of his two fallen comrades begin to appear to him. Can Nikich and Igor reach out from the grave to help their friend Kir come to terms with his past and find forgiveness in his heart for himself and others?

