马特拉斯城(2010) Madrasapattinam/1947年:一个爱情故事 / 马德拉斯镇 / 钦奈遗恋 / Madras Town

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:54
年份: 2010  / 地区: 印度 
类型:剧情 爱情 历史  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:7.9分
演员:Arya,Cochin Hanifa,Alexx O'Nel
语言:泰米尔语   英语  / 片长:162

马特拉斯城是一部剧情,爱情,历史片,一位来自英国伦敦的老妇人艾米·威尔金森(Carole Trangmar-Palmer饰),在她弥留之际,她想到Chennai(印度东部一个港口城市名)寻找一个名叫伊拉姆· 帕瑞希(阿利亚饰)的年轻男子。她最后一次见到他的时候是在1947年8月15日,当时她退回了伊拉姆母亲的塔利项链。这条项链本来是伊拉姆给她的一个信物 ,告诉艾米她属于印度,没人能把他们两分开,然而,由于种种原因,她嫁给了一个老乡,所以她想那条塔利项链再也不属于她了。   艾米·威尔金森和她的孙女凯瑟琳(莉莎·拉扎努斯饰)来到了Chennai,身上只带了一张帕瑞希60年前的照片。威尔金森四处询问帕瑞希的下落的过程中,她不 断回忆起第一次到达Chennai和一系列的事情。

After the death of her husband, Amy Smith, an elderly English woman, decides to return to India to search for her long lost lover and to return a necklace she was given. Through memory flashbacks we see how Amy as a young girl first arrived in Madrasapattinam, India in 1945 to join her father who was the governor of the city. Through some events of fate she meets Paritihi, a young Indian boy. Amy, feeling drawn towards Paritihi and intrigued by Indian culture, asks him to be her guide around the town and to show him the ways of his country. Soon a tender romance develops between them. However, Amy is too be married to officer Robert Ellis, a cruel man appointed by her father, forcing Amy and Paritihi to fight for their love.

