爱情合约(2004) 愛情合約/Love Contract

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:07
年份: 2004  / 地区: 中国台湾 
类型:爱情  / 豆瓣:7.6分 / IMDB:1.4分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

爱情合约是一部爱情片,童年时代的创伤让小风(林依晨 饰)宁愿用坚强的假象包裹脆弱的内心,外人看起来大大咧咧犹如男孩子一般的个性,也不过是她内心阴影的保护伞罢了。尽管已经升入了大三,但小风的感情经历依旧一片空白,内心寂寞难耐的小风终于流露出了求偶的讯息。   经过朋友的撮合,小风和一位名叫阿肯(贺 军翔 饰)的男生签订了一份“爱情合约”。巧合的是,和小风一样,阿肯的童年也充满了痛苦与创伤,出身自不美满的家庭,阿肯不自觉的隐藏了自己对于爱情的渴望。就这样,两个伤痕累累的人走到了一起。有争吵,有误会,可是,就在两人决定分道扬镳之时,他们却发现,各自的生命里早已经离不开彼此。

Outwardly, Xiao Feng (Ariel Lin) is a stubborn tomboy and the captain of the Kendo Club at her college. In her group of friends, she is the leader with her demanding nature and abrupt ways. Inwardly however, Xiao Feng is a girl scarred by her past and searching for what she wants most, love. Her friends, Ah Kai (Zhang Rui Jia), Xiao Bai (Lai Zhi Wei), Mu Tou (Lin Yi Hong), Xin Lei (Chung Hsin Yu, and, Xiao Xiao (Yang Pei Ting) don't know about that part of her past but they are all loyal friends to Xiao Feng; that is, until Xiao Bai and Ah Kai leave the Kendo Club for the Swim Team. Xiao Bai and Ah Kai are immediately regretful when the captain of the Swim Team, Ah Ken, turns out to be a captain as grueling as Xiao Feng. When one night Xiao Feng announces to her friends she wants love the most, Xiao Bai and Ah Ken devise a prank called the love contract. In exchange for finding swim team members to recruit, Ah Ken must court Xiao Feng.

一句话评论:永恒,从生命终结开始。愛情合約···愛情沒有合約···。淡淡忧伤 挥之不去的情结。关于他们之间的事。那年的夏天。爱情没有合约。献给我这个等待爱情的女汉子。。年轻而沉重的爱情。自我封闭的人不该谈恋爱。这不能叫做“偶像剧”。

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爱情合约(全集) 3.51GB