转校生:再见亲爱的(2007) 転校生 -さよなら あなた-/灵魂的互换 / Switching - Goodbye Me

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:49
年份: 2007  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:7.3分 / IMDB:7分
演员:莲佛美沙子,森田直幸,Takuro Atsuki,Hiros
语言:日语  / 片长:120

转校生:再见亲爱的是一部剧情片,一夫(森田直幸 饰)和一美(莲佛美沙子 饰)是青梅竹马的好友,感情十分要好的两人曾经许下过结为连理的纯洁诺言。之后,因为种种意外,一夫和一美分开了,从此了无音讯。时间像水一样匆匆流逝,因为家庭的原因,如今已经成长为英俊少年的一夫转学到了新的学校。让一夫没有想到的是,他竟然在新班级中和一美重逢了。   回忆起曾经懵懂的约定,一夫和一美都感到十分有趣,可惜的是,如今的一美已经有了一位十分优秀的男友。放学后,一夫和一美故地重游,来到了他们曾经玩刷过的山泉边,沉浸在回忆中的两人失足跌入了水中。神奇的事情发生了,在阴差阳错之中,一夫和一美的身体竟然互换了!

After his parent's divorce, Kazuo Saito moves with his mother from Onomichi and must leave his girlfriend behind. At his new school, Kazuo is surprised to reunite with his childhood friend Kazumi. "Remember I kissed you, saying I'll marry you when we're grown ups?" He feels embarrassed around Kazumi, who talks about their early childhood stories without any reserve. Kazumi has a boyfriend named Hiroshi Yamamoto. Kazuo is annoyed with Hiroshi's attitude, but with Kazumi, they naturally start to get comfortable with each other again just like old times. Kazumi's family runs a long-standing sob noodle restaurant. Her very lively, Japanese family consists of her parents, her grandfather, and a very young niece. She has one older brother who lives away in Tokyo. One day, Kazumi invites Kazuo to her house. After talking about old times, they walk to a place from their childhood called the "Lonely Watering Place". "Kazuo, the water here is very good. That's why our sob noodles also taste so ...

