老兵(2006) The Veteran/

更新:2019-05-10 04:05:08
年份: 2006  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情 战争  / 豆瓣:5.1分 / IMDB:3.6分
导演:Sidney J. Furie
演员:Ally Sheedy,Bobby Hosea,Michae
语言:English  / 片长:90

老兵是一部剧情,战争片,在西贡沦陷30年之后,新上任的政客 Ray Watson回到了越南,虽然对当时那些麻烦事避而不谈,可他仍要面对怒不可遏的战俘“DOC”,他曾经扔下的伙伴。   Doc 强行把Ray拖回到那些可怕的过去,遭到埋伏袭击,成为战俘,而受命秘密追踪战俘的政府特工则窃听了他们的谈话。似乎过去还掩藏着更多不为人知的秘密,而每个人也远远不像他们表面看起来那么简单。随着故事爆发到高潮,真相也随之揭开,同样,只有一个人能够回家。

Thirty years on from Vietnam, a government official is trying to track down soldiers who went missing in action, in the hope that it may lead her to her father. Meanwhile, a war veteran is forced to relive painful memories of how he was left for dead by his own platoon, and the heinous crimes he once committed while in the line of duty. Gritty and unflinching, THE VETERAN contains some breathtaking action sequences that vividly depict the horrors of war. Director Sidney J Furie (THE IPCRESS FILE, SUPERMAN IV) elicits strong performances from a cast that includes Michael Ironside, Ally Sheedy, and Bobby Hosea.
