安藤奈津(2008) あんどーなつ/红豆甜甜圈

更新:2019-05-10 04:05:32
年份: 2008  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:7.7分 / IMDB:7.5分
演员:貫地谷 しほり,國村 隼,尾美としのり
语言:日语  / 片长:

安藤奈津是一部剧情片,《安藤奈津》的故事发生在东京浅草的和果子店满月堂。以西式糕点手艺人作为目标的安藤奈津(在日语里和“红豆甜甜圈”的发音相同)(贯地谷志保利 Shihori Kanjiy饰)在东京原先打工的西点屋由于店主去世关门停业。一时找不到工作的奈津机缘巧合之下来到了从江户时代开始就延续至今的老铺日式糕点屋的“满月堂”。在女主人光子(风吹淳Jun Fubuki饰)的关怀下,由老手艺人梅吉(国村隼 Jun Kunimura饰)悉心指导,和同是手艺人的竹藏(尾美德利 Toshinori Omi)开始了日式糕点修行之路,而她的男友(细田良彦 Yoshihiko Hosoda)也在一路上给予她温暖的支持。   片中不仅展示了各种日式和果子(糕点)制作,更描绘了浅草的风土人情。通过各个街坊各自努力生活的故事描绘出大家都带着爱走在路上,与各种各样的美丽同行相伴。

Ando Natsu, whose dream is to become a patisserie, finds herself jobless after the shop owner's sudden death. She goes to Tokyo in search of another job at a confectionery but the recruiting period has just ended and there are no available positions. This is when she makes her first encounter with the well-established Japanese confectionery "Mangetsudo". It is run by the veteran confectioner Umekichi, Takezo, and Mitsuko, and they happened to be looking for a part-time worker. A number of chance events follow and Natsu starts working at Mangetsudo. Although her job is to serve customers, Natsu becomes interested in the world of Japanese confection. Having only worked in cake shops, everything is new to her and she is gradually drawn into the deepness and profoundness of Japanese confection.


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