亲爱的,公主病(2016)/亲爱的公主病 / My Little Princess

更新:2024-05-26 01:05:08
年份: 2016  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:喜剧 爱情  / 豆瓣:6.9分 / IMDB:7.9分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

亲爱的,公主病是一部喜剧,爱情片,故事开始于一所超级白金学院--四叶艺术学院。它是为国家顶级艺术学院输送人才而建立的,毕业生会进入圣马丁,帕森斯茉莉亚等著名大学。艺术是有钱人的游戏,四叶艺术学院里自然充满着名流财阀的子女,在这群高贵的帅哥美女中,有一天,来了一个如小白花般善良天真的草根女,而不出所料的, 这朵小白花从入校门的第一天起便遭到校园恶势力的欺凌。

When you're trying to win over your Prince Charming, can you find him in an unexpected place? Lin Xing Chen is an heiress of a wealthy family but faces pressure to marry well because of her illegitimate status. Her target? The suave and wealthy Zheng Chu Yao, a fellow student at the elite arts school known as Four Leaf College. But due to a number of misunderstandings, Xing Chen at first mistakes the brooding Jiang Nian Yu as Chu Yao and tries to get his attention. But when Xing Chen realizes she has the wrong man, she keeps running into Nian Yu in the most compromising ways and then learns that Nian Yu is the only person who can teach her to tango to be able to get into Chu Yao's good graces. But Xing Chen is annoyed when Chu Yao only seems interested in a poor student, Yu Yang Yang, who was admitted to the prestigious school because her father saved the principal's life. Can Nian Yu teach Xin Chen to tango right into Chu Yao's heart or will she discover that her destiny is with ...

一句话评论:配合弹幕食用风味更佳。不好意思,我就是来搞笑的!。林星辰不是公主病,是公主命!。这部剧太有毒,主配角人设大反转,女主还是真·腐女。其实我觉得这剧评分应该7.5以上。公主病 公主命。公主病也要谈恋爱。中国偶像剧进入纠枉过正的毒鸡汤时代。反套路偶像剧哈哈大爱女主。
