骷髅钥匙2:野兽的667号邻居(2008) Skeleton Key 2: 667 Neighbor of the Beast/万能钥匙2:野兽的667号邻居

更新:2019-05-10 04:05:27
年份: 2008  / 地区: 美国 
类型:恐怖  / 豆瓣:2.8分 / IMDB:1.6分
导演:John Johnson
演员:John Johnson,Liam Smith,David
语言:英语  / 片长:123

骷髅钥匙2:野兽的667号邻居是一部恐怖片,令人费解的事情一件又一件的发生,卡罗琳打定主意要揭开这些秘密,破除巫术,把本从病痛的折磨中解脱出来。她手中的那把万能钥匙究竟 会给卡罗琳带来幸运还是邪恶呢?

If you dare take this trip across that bridge and into the town of nightmares be prepared for what awaits you! BLOOD! BOOBS! And MUSIC NUMBERS! Oh yes, songs about soiling yourself and being left for dead will haunt your very dreams. Do not wait, buy this film and see if you can stand the horror! Feel the TERROR - for this film is presented in shocking 2-D! But know this; as you descend into chaos...We warned you!

一句话评论:(转)the worst unprofessional movie ever。恶魔你快来占有我。天真~我自找的~~~。WTF is this?。
