撒旦狂想曲(1917) Rapsodia Satanica/Satan's Rhapsody

更新:2019-05-10 04:05:51
年份: 1917  / 地区: 意大利 
类型:剧情 奇幻  / 豆瓣:7.6分 / IMDB:6.9分
语言:默片  / 片长:40

撒旦狂想曲是一部剧情,奇幻片,撒旦狂想曲 Rapsodia Satanica(1915)是由Nino Oxilia的最后执导的一部电影,此片无疑是早期意大利电影最优秀的成果之一。   在影片中,Oxilia杜撰的手法变化了对“浮士德”的理解,由天后Lyda博雷利完美演绎。站在典型奢侈D'Annunzian的唯美主义的高度,撒旦狂想曲Rapsodia Satanica是当时首脑会议后来被称为“尾巴涂膜“之一的电影。耸人听闻的故事设置在上层中产阶级和贵族的沙龙和别墅,导演部署杰出的叙事结构,以展示他们的演技。

Rapsodia Satanica (1915) was the last film directed by Nino Oxilia and is undoubtedly one of the finest achievements of the early Italian cinema. In it, Oxilia spins a variation on the Faust myth, embodied here by the diva Lyda Borelli. Typical of extravagant D'Annunzian aestheticism at its height, Rapsodia Satanica was one of the summits of what was later called the "tail coat film." Diametrically opposed to the "cinema of reality" practiced by Serena, Martoglio and others, "tail coat films" set their melodramatic stories in the salons and villas of the upper middle class and the aristocracy, deploying narrative structures contrived to showcase their actors and especially its actresses. This had the effect of accentuating their physical presence and turning them into stars - probably the first stars in movie history. The success of the "dive" contributed to the development of motion picture grammar in its special use of the close-up.

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