更新:2019-05-10 03:05:14
年份: 1917  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情 历史  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:0.0分
语言:未知 / 片长:
The Little Chevalier剧情介绍

A duel in France in which the Chevalier de la Roche kills the Vicomte de Valdeterre, results in an ongoing feud between the two families. Years later, in New Orleans, Valdeterre's son Henri arranges a duel with the son of the Chevalier de la Roche, known as the Little Chevalier. Overwhelmed at the swordsmanship of the Little Chevalier, Henri faints and, upon regaining consciousness, leaves the de la Roche estate. Later, at a ball held at the governor's mansion, Henri meets Diane, the daughter of the late Chevalier and, smitten, begins to court her. This arouses the jealousy of Delaup, who is the governor's secretary and an ardent suitor of Diane's. Delaup discovers a royal proclamation sent to Henri, granting him the power to seize the de la Roche estate, and attempts to use the document to force Diane to marry him. In response, Diane sends for Henri, and when he arrives, he finds the Little Chevalier waiting to duel. Henri's refusal to fight is met with the Little Chevalier removing his cloak to reveal that he is really Diane. The long term feud between the two families is then ended with Diane and Henri's marriage.

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