白兰的四个男人(1985) Hey Babu Riba/水中共舞 / Bal na vodi / Бал на води / Dancing in Water / Miriana

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:31
年份: 1985  / 地区: 南斯拉夫 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:7.4分 / IMDB:7.8分
导演:Jovan Acin
演员:Gala Videnovic,Relja Basic,Neb
语言:塞尔维亚-克罗埃西亚语  / 片长:112

白兰的四个男人是一部剧情,爱情片,该片是导演的半自传式电影,讲述了四个人到中年的好朋友回家乡参加葬礼,哀悼他们共同追求过的一个女生。影片闪回到50年代的纯真岁月,在南斯拉夫的土地上,四个朋友都是划船队员,偏偏爱上了同一个金发美女。美女愿意跟他们交朋友,但不想跟其中任何一人谈恋爱,她的恋爱对象是一个政治上雄心勃勃的男人。   影片细腻地刻画了初恋的感觉和同性的友谊,把一个普通的少年成长故事放到肃穆的政治大环境中。有一丝怀旧和风趣,同时也渗夹了对爱情和青春流逝的苦涩追忆。

In 1985, four middle-aged Yugoslav emigres return to Belgrade for the funeral of Mariana, their beautiful compatriot. They called her Esther, for Esther Williams, she was the coxswain for their four-man rowing team, and they each loved her. They'd last seen her in 1953, when they rowed her across the Adriatic, pregnant, to join her exiled father in Italy. In flashbacks we learn the story of their youthful baptism into sex, smoking, rock and roll (Hey Ba-ba-re-bop), Hollywood and Swedish films, blue jeans on the black market, and their rivalry with Ristic, the Communist Party youth leader for whom they had instant antipathy.

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Bal na vodi [1981] domaci film【海盜灣】Bal n