管弦乐队的彩排(1978) Prova d'orchestra/乐队排演(台) / 乐队排练 / Orchestra Rehearsal

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:29
年份: 1978  / 地区: 意大利  
类型:剧情 喜剧 音乐  / 豆瓣:7.6分 / IMDB:7.3分
演员:Balduin Baas,克拉拉·科洛西莫,Elizabet
语言:意大利语   德语  / 片长:70
上映时间:1978-11(芝加哥电影节) / 1979-02-22(意大利)

管弦乐队的彩排是一部剧情,喜剧,音乐片,导演费里尼的《乐队排演》,拍摄了一个交响乐团的排演状况,其中,相当讽刺地呈现出五花八门的情境气氛,什么都有,就是没有一般想像中的一个交响乐团乐团该有的和谐愉悦,团员之间的摩擦不合,象徵着人类社会的常态,在片中,团长成为某种「神」一般的存在,费里尼藉着检视音乐家们的种种喜怒哀乐,这个独特场景下人物的互动,变成人类社会的缩影。   片中音乐是由费里尼的长期合作伙伴,义大利配乐大师尼洛罗塔创作,罗塔的作品,为本片生色不少。

In a Medieval Roman chapel, now an oratorio, an elderly factotum sets up for rehearsal. The musicians arrive, joking and teasing. A union shop steward explains that a TV crew is there, talking to them is optional, and there will be no extra compensation. Musicians talk about their instruments. The German conductor arrives and puts them through their paces. He yells, he insults. The shop steward calls a 20 minute break. The conductor retreats to his dressing room and talks about how the world of music has changed, moving away from respect for the conductor. He returns to the rehearsal to find the orchestra in full revolt. What can bring them back to the music?

