N.已经掷出骰子(1971) N. a pris les dés.../N.已经掷了骰子 / N拿走骰子

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:18
年份: 1971  / 地区: 法国 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:6.6分 / IMDB:6.3分
演员:凯瑟琳·卓丹,Pierre Zimmer,西尔万·科尔泰,朱
语言:法语  / 片长:79

N.已经掷出骰子是一部剧情片,我叫 N. K.,人们都称呼我简称N.。我是谁?就好像“Nemo”的首字母,或者是“航行者(navigator)”或“讲述者(narrator)”,还有邪恶的“拿破仑”(Napoleon)。我住的地方,面向沙滩,更远点的地方是港口,是个观察的好据点。我已经掷出了骰子,凡事皆有因果,即使是文学和影像也不例外。   本片作为导演阿兰·罗布-格里耶拍摄于1972年的《伊甸园及其后》的另一剪辑版本在FR3播出,是关于一个剧本创作者 在思考文本时引发的可能性。

Long before there was any notion of "remix culture," famed French writer Alain Robbe-Grillet created this radical re-imagining of his own feature EDEN AND AFTER (which no doubt to most viewers had already been quite radical enough). In the 1970 original, perverse games amongst student types at a Mondrian-inspired cafe are kicked up a notch when a mysterious older stranger (Pierre Zimmer) appears to offer a hallucinatory "fear powder." A young woman (Catherine Jourdan) who ingests it finds herself trapped in a bizarro world of sex, violence and surrealism, first at a maze-like factory, then in Tunisia where youths are subjected to S&M tortures in striking all-white settings. This enigmatic narrative and its outré content are pushed several degrees closer to total madness in N. TOOK THE DICE, which scrambles an already ambiguous chronology to the point of freeform collage. A voiceover narrator provides the only semblance of logic in a mash-up that incorporates not just footage from EDEN...

