一个都不能走(1966) O slavnosti a hostech/夜宴 / 宴会与客人 / 派对客人失踪事件 / 聚会上的报告与嘉宾 / A Report on the Party and Guests

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:58
年份: 1966  / 地区: 捷克斯洛伐克 
类型:剧情 喜剧  / 豆瓣:7.5分 / IMDB:7.3分
演员:伊万·维斯科切尔,Jan Klusák,Jiri Nemec
语言:捷克语  / 片长:71

一个都不能走是一部剧情,喜剧片,七位朋友在森林中聚餐,天气正好,他们谈着闲适的话题,远处正进行着一场婚礼,喧闹的声音飘荡过来。三位女士在溪水中简单清洗后,七人准备离开,这时森林中出现了一批陌生人,带头的名叫罗多夫,痞气十足,将他们架到一片空地中画地为牢,几位朋友的态度陆续发生了转变,大多数人开始配合对方,一位朋友试图逃跑,但被对方控制住施以羞辱。   无名无姓的宴会主人出现,他呵斥了罗多夫,朋友们不知不觉信任了这位主人,并被邀请到湖边盛大的宴会上,落座之后他们发现又一位朋友逃掉了,宴会上混乱的就坐次序让主人大发雷霆,经过一番讨论,与会人员一致同意寻找失去的那位朋友,甚至他的妻子,也兴致勃勃地为此出谋划策,于是宴会演变成了一场狩猎……

A small group of adult bourgeois friends are on a day outing in the country, that outing which includes having a picnic. While they are going for a walk after the picnic, they encounter a group of officious looking men who commandeer them to a small clearing. Although there is no direct threat and the picnickers are not scared, they nonetheless feel the need to do what the men say. The men, led by one called Rudolph, set the rules of "the game". Ultimately, the picnickers learn that Rudolph was supposed to invite them to a party nearby. Much like the game, the party's host sets the rules for the party to which the picnickers and all the other guests must abide. Order in the eyes of the host seems to be paramount. Although the picnickers and the other guests enjoy many aspects of the party, some just do not want to be there, such thinking which cannot be tolerated.

