分裂的天空(1964) Der geteilte Himmel/我有我天堂 / 被分割的天空 / The Divided Heaven

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:12
年份: 1964  / 地区: 东德 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:7.4分 / IMDB:6.7分
导演:Konrad Wolf
演员:Renate Blume,Eberhard Esche,Ha
语言:德语  / 片长:116

分裂的天空是一部剧情,爱情片,改编文学之作,这改编对象是因敢言而长期被监视的著名东德女作家Christa Wolf。故事设于1950年代末,女主角丽塔毕业在即被派往电车厂工作,了解劳动生活。在那里,她爱上了比她年长十年的化学家。可惜好恋不常,男朋友因事业失意决定投奔西柏林,令丽塔进退两难。禾斯夫用上前卫的意识流手法,以倒叙方式道出丽塔的经历,藉以对共产理念与实行提出大胆的批判,此片亦因此被誉为“第一部呈现东德觉醒的作品”。

After a breakdown, Rita returns to her childhood village. It is 1961. As she recovers, she remembers the past two years: her love for the chemist Manfred, ten years her senior; his enthusiasm about his new chemical process, which turned to bitter disappointment in the face of rejection; his escape to West Berlin a few weeks before the Wall was built; and his hope that she would follow him. This East German classic, praised by critics as one of Germany's 100 Most Important Films, is based on Christa Wolf's internationally-known novel, criticized in the GDR for questioning the construction of the Wall. Produced during a brief cultural thaw in the early 1960s, this film was strongly influenced by French Nouvelle Vague cinema.

一句话评论:被分割的天空 - 影片资料。
