春醒(1963) Mikres Aphrodites/年轻的爱神们 / 年轻的阿弗洛狄特 / Young Aphrodites / To simadi tis Afroditis / Μικρές Αφροδίτες

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:52
年份: 1963  / 地区: 希腊 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:7.2分 / IMDB:6.9分
演员:Eleni Prokopiou,Takis Emmanuel
语言:希腊语  / 片长:88

春醒是一部剧情,爱情片,一个金发碧眼天真无邪的11岁小男孩与一群牧羊人周游各地。在其中一个地方,他遇到一个13岁的神秘女孩,他爱上了她,但是女孩想方设法给男孩对她的追求设置障碍。当侵略者到来的时候,一个年龄大点的男孩看上了这个女孩,并玷污了她。 1963年柏林电影节最佳导演奖,银熊奖,及影评人大奖

Parallel stories of Eros set in 200 B.C. Nomadic shepherds, plagued by drought, happen on a fishing encampment with plentiful fresh water. The local men are away but will return when it rains; the shepherds stay to refresh their flock until the rain comes. A shepherd lad and a local girl, both on the verge of puberty, start a mating dance. Also, one of the shepherds approaches a beautiful local woman, inviting her to sleep with him. How will she respond? She's married, her husband at sea for the week. Is love forever or temporary? A subtext dramatizes the capture of fish, birds, foxes, and other animals: their fates seem arbitrary.
