异国情鸳(1958) 異國情鴛/이국정원 / Love with an Alien

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:13
年份: 1958  / 地区: 中国香港  
类型:爱情  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:0.0分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

异国情鸳是一部爱情片,方音爱上韩国音乐家金树平, 音母恐音与平是她与前夫所生的同胞兄妹, 阻止二人交往. 音不明就里, 随平私奔到澳门. 平于澳门重遇生母, 音母终放下心头大石, 允许二人相恋

A Chinese singer falls in love with a Korean composer who is visiting Hong Kong. Her mother wants to know the name of the man she's fallen for, but when she finds out he's Korean her parents forbid their love; so the girl runs away. In trying to track down her daughter , the mother visits a friend working at the Korean Embassy. It is here that her long hidden secret, that she herself had married a Korean man and had two children with, is revealed. The mother had returned to Hong Kong with her daughter, and then lost contact with her husband and son. The father of the girl has known is not her birth father, and these two lovers might be brother and sister. The mother finds the daughter and explains her concerns. Will they find the husband and son left behind? Will the composer turn out to be her brother or will she be able to get married?

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