更新:2019-05-10 01:05:56
年份: 1953  / 地区: 美国 
类型:喜剧 动画 短片 家庭  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:7.1分
导演:Dick Lundy
语言:英语  / 片长:7
Barney's Hungry Cousin剧情介绍

Barney's Hungry Cousin是一部喜剧,动画,短片,家庭片,在阳光明媚的一天,大熊巴尼驾车来到了杰里史通国家公园。他开着一辆红色的小跑车,身后有一只装得满满的篮子。不远处一头饥饿的熊趴在树梢上,他用望远镜发现巴尼熊的到来,当然更令它感兴趣的是车后面的篮子,显然里面装了很多美味的食物。瘦熊大喜过望,连忙做好准备迎接巴尼熊的到来。毫不知情的大熊将车停在了一处露营地,他摆放好食物后开始用餐。然而瘦熊偷偷接近,并且和他开始争夺食物。一番争抢后,巴尼只能自认倒霉,收拾好东西后开车来到下一处地点,谁知那个缠人的家伙紧随其后,根本不打算让大熊好好度过一个假期……

Barney Bear heads to a national park for a vacation while another bear, native to the park, notices Barney's picnic lunch and makes various attempts to steal Barney's food while Barney tries to eat. Barney notices the bear and tries to escape the moocher but wherever Barney goes, the omnipresent bear is always there too. Finally, Barney gives up and offers the bear some food at which point the bear informs the park rangers that Barney is feeding the animals and the rangers take Barney off in their wagon.

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