兔八哥斗牛记(1953) Bully for Bugs/

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:49
年份: 1953  / 地区: 美国 
类型:喜剧 动画 短片 家庭  / 豆瓣:8.8分 / IMDB:8.1分
演员:Mel Blanc
语言:英语  / 片长:

兔八哥斗牛记是一部喜剧,动画,短片,家庭片,人声鼎沸的西班牙斗牛场上,英俊帅气的斗牛士傲慢地站在赛场中央,而另一边一头黝黑健壮、凶猛非常的公牛冲了进来。双方只作片刻对视,就已经分出胜负。斗牛士完全被对方的气势所折服,当看到公牛冲过来之时,他扔掉手中的红布,落荒而逃,而身后的公牛紧追不舍,非要好好惩治这个斗牛士不可。就在关键时刻,兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)从土中钻了出来,他原打算前往柯齐拉山谷参加胡萝卜节,谁知却阴差阳错来到斗牛场。当他还在看地图重新规划路程的时候,凶猛公牛却自顾自向其发起攻击。   伴随着观众们此起彼伏的欢呼声,公牛和兔八哥展开了一连串的精彩对决……

Bugs Bunny once again making that "wrong turn at Albuquerque" burrows into a bullring, where a magnificent bull is making short work of a toreador. The bull bucks Bugs out of the arena, prompting the bunny to declare "Of course you realize, this means war!" The deft Bugs' arsenal comes plenty packed, as he uses anvils, well-placed face slaps and the bull's horns as a slingshot. The bull fights back, using his horns as a shotgun barrel. The bull's comeback is short-lived; just after Bugs makes out his will, he lures the bull out of the arena, just in time to set up a rube-like device that leads to the bull's defeat.

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