偷懒的猫(1951) Sleepy-Time Tom/

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:17
年份: 1951  / 地区: 美国 
类型:喜剧 动画 短片  / 豆瓣:9.2分 / IMDB:8.0分
导演:Joseph Barbera
语言:英语  / 片长:

偷懒的猫是一部喜剧,动画,短片片,当晨光初现,街区四周还一片寂静时。远处传来略带疲惫却兴致高涨的歌声,那是汤姆和他的朋友布奇、闪电、肉头,他们刚刚结束了彻夜狂欢,互相搀扶向家中走去。此时此刻,汤姆已是超级困倦,他多希望能马上钻进窝里好好睡一觉。但这是不可能的,因为前一晚他溜出去狂欢,导致杰瑞在房中开起了美食盛宴,将家里弄得乱七八糟。女主人怒发冲冠,将汤姆一阵痛骂,并命令他马上抓住捣乱的小老鼠。   虽然军令在身,但睡神已经完全征服了这只彻夜未眠的老猫,加上狡猾的杰瑞“贴心”为汤姆创造了各种各样的睡眠条件,这一次,汤姆猫完全成为对手任意摆布的玩物。祝你能有好的睡眠,如果可以的话……

Tom has been out late carousing with his chums. When he gets home, a slimmed-down Mammy won't take any excuses, and insists he stay awake; Jerry, overhearing, thus tries a number of schemes to get Tom to sleep. Not that he has to push hard; Tom tries drinking a giant pot of coffee, then keeping his eyes open with toothpicks and tape, and finally gives up and paints eyes on his lids. This fools Mammy, but not Jerry, who erects a series of Burma-Shave style signs leading Tom into the nice comfy bed, where Mammy discovers him and tosses him out just as his pals happen by for another night on the town.

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