铁扒(2006) /烧烤双雄

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:56
年份: 2006  / 地区: 美国 
类型:喜剧  / 豆瓣:7.4分 / IMDB:5.2分
语言:英语  / 片长:83

铁扒是一部喜剧片,Two meat salesmen (Romano, James) will stop at nothing to get a sale.   两位朋友组成大宗冻肉的挨家挨户的推销员。然而伴随着天气的逐渐转热,他们的业绩也开始陷入不景气中,老板对他们下了最后通牒,如果不在这特殊的天气里脱售一些牛肉,他们将被无情解雇 ……然后厄运似乎并没有结束的迹象,随着卡片上客户名单的减少,他们遭遇了一系列的奇遇,变性美女、狂躁症患者、黑帮头子……在近乎的绝望的边缘一切却突然峰回路转……

In L.A., Maurice and Dave sell steaks - high-end cuts of beef. They've hit a patch of no sales, and they're facing being fired. Maurice needs money to enroll in his final semester of acupuncture school, and the recently-separated Dave needs money for his daughter's birthday gift. Their final client card: a beautiful woman opens the door, and she's attracted to Maurice, but a desperate call from a suicidal friend interrupts her signing the contract. Still hoping to close the sale, Maurice and Dave offer to drive her to the friend's house, and there, troubles multiply. Facing guns, hitmen, and women's secrets, a sale is the farthest thing from their minds. Are they about to be grilled?
