春江英雄之秀才遇到兵(2015)/秀才遇到兵 / 春江英雄 / Xiucai Encountered Soldiers

更新:2024-09-20 06:09:19
年份: 2015  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:剧情 战争  / 豆瓣:7.5分 / IMDB:0.0分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

春江英雄之秀才遇到兵是一部剧情,战争片,故事发生在20世纪30年代初,心怀叵测的日本帝国主义在满洲里扶植起满清傀儡政府,旅顺作为东北地区的交通要冲成为他们染指中原的重要跳板。但是伪满地区的人民不甘心做亡国奴,他们奋起反抗,与入侵者展开连番缠斗。旅顺城外马家屯,默默无闻的佃户马三炮(沙溢 饰)就被推到了历史前沿,进而和龙家大少爷龙千言(李晨 饰)、戏班花旦万山红(马苏 饰)、青龙会大当家高亚男(李倩 饰)等有着不同身份背景的人联系在一起,成为抗日队伍中强悍而又令人耳目一新的有生力量。与之相对,关东军特别行动队队长北原浩行(大冢匡将 饰)则试图以残酷血腥的手段降服旅顺。   势均力敌的战斗旋即拉开帷幕……

One is a tenant farmer who has just the necessities of life, Ma Sanpao; the other is a young master of a rich and influential family, Long Qianyan. Ma Sanpao hates to see Long Qianyan's weak and gentle appearance, while Long Qianyan cannot stand Ma Sanpao's impulsive, rude and ignorant behavior. The joining of Wan Shanhong, an actress, and Gao Yanan, head of Blue Dragon Society, makes the situation more complicated. The gunfire of Japanese troops breaks the peaceful life in Lvshun. In order to resist foreign aggression, they put their sentiments aside and choose to fight the enemy shoulder to shoulder. No matter what they used to be, they all share the same identity at this moment, which is soldier. They fight against invading army courageously and stick together when going through the test of life and death. They are stragglers at first. Then they join the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Forces. From then on, they expand their force gradually and fight against the enemy consistently. By improving their strategies and military power, they become outstanding anti-Japanese fighters and the backbone of the anti-Japanese power. Eventually, they achieved remarkable military exploits. This group of fighters treats each other like brothers. In fact, they are just like Xiucai encounters soldiers. Together, they are an invincible team which excels in both literature and military. This drama displays the true quality of a unique set of heroes. Its interesting stories, personalized characters, down-to-earth legend and the intriguing plot are all worth watching.

一句话评论:这部剧最大的败笔就是最后几集。一集不落看完了,写点什么吧(有剧透慎入)。前面可以,后面明显生硬。秀才遇到兵1.2集龙秀才简评。春江英雄。秀才遇到兵 还真是有理说不清啊。

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