永远的0 电视剧版(2015) 永遠の0 ドラマ/The Eternal Zero / Eien no zero

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:03
年份: 2015  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:6.6分 / IMDB:6.8分
语言:日语  / 片长:
永远的0 电视剧版剧情介绍

永远的0 电视剧版是一部剧情片,第二次世界大战结束后的六十周年,青年佐伯健太郎(桐谷健太 饰)再度遭遇司法考试的挫败。适值此时,他的外婆去世,在和姐姐庆子(广末凉子 饰)奔丧期间他们发现与现在的外公(伊东四朗 饰)并无血缘关系,而真正的外公早已在二战中牺牲。以此为契机,健太郎在姐姐的督促下着手调查外公宫部久藏(向井理 饰)的事迹。据说久藏当年是部队中飞行技术一流的战士,但是每当执行任务时他总逡巡在战局外围,当战友受伤归来时,他往往毫发无伤,以致于被战称为海军航空队第一胆小鬼。   随着调查的深入,健太郎逐渐发现久藏胆小鬼外表下那令人不易察觉的一面,而外公最终慨然赴死的秘密也昭然若揭……

The story of Saeki Kentaro, who continues to fail the National Bar Examinations and lose sight of the goal of his life, and his old sister Keiko, who is a freelance writer looking up their grandfather Miyabe who died in the Pacific War as a Kamikaze pilot. Miyabe had an astute ability as a pilot of fighter planes, but he was extraordinarily afraid of death. His two grandchildren started wondering why he applied for the Kamikaze corps. Revealing Miyabe's unexpected title of "genius yet coward", they unveil a surprising fact which has been sealed for over 60 years.


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