十六个夏天(2014) 十六個夏天/回到初恋的夏天 / 16个夏天 / The Way We Were

更新:2024-05-26 08:05:35
年份: 2014  / 地区: 中国台湾 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:7.9分 / IMDB:8.0分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

十六个夏天是一部剧情,爱情片,一场看似荒谬的报复性上床行动,让失恋的唐家妮(林心如饰)遇上了 方韦德(杨一展饰)。原该一夜结束的夏日荒唐,却让她碰上了她的真正“初恋”。然而一切像是梦一场。1999年,台湾史上最强大的921大地震,震醒了唐家妮的美梦,多年来陪伴在她身边的汪俊杰(谢佳见饰),在这场“震 撼”中,注定为她瘸了双脚。 唐家妮义无反顾的陪伴着他,两人结婚,也走上了平淡却踏实过著小夫妻生活。   2008年,她和方韦德意外再相遇,他们知道彼此都还惦记对方,但她有婚姻,他也即将步入礼堂,不过两人还是选择维持着好友的关系。然而,这一次和韦德的重逢,却对家妮、俊杰及好友瑞瑞(许玮甯饰)都产生了不小的影响,所以,终究,韦德和家妮还是选择说了再见…   2013年,一场好友的婚礼,两人命运的红线再度拉上,这次,等待他们的会是什么?

While in college, Tang Jia Ni (Ruby Lin) falling in love with her schoolmate(also neighborhood) Fang Wei De (Weber Yang) after she agrees with Wei De's idea of an eye for an eye, when she catches her boyfriend cheating with another girl. However, broader events intervene in their romance: during the historic 921 earthquake in Taiwan, Jia Ni's friend Wang Jun Jie (Melvin Sia) loses both of his legs. Out of obligation and compassion, Jia Ni decides to marry Jun Jie. When Jia Ni and Wei De run into each other again in 2008, she is a married woman and he is about to walk down the aisle. They are still in love but part as friends. But when fate brings the two back together at another wedding in 2013, will they make the same decision?

