更新:2019-05-10 01:05:54
年份: 2016  / 地区: 英国 
类型:喜剧  / 豆瓣:8.4分 / IMDB:8.8分
导演:Sam Leifer
语言:英语  / 片长:
罗马三贱客 第三季剧情介绍

罗马三贱客 第三季是一部喜剧片,《罗马三贱客》(PLEBS)是英国ITV2的喜剧剧集。时代背景设定是在公元前27年 - 公元前26年的古罗马时代,主角是3名罗马小市民,由于懒懒散散,毫无大志,注定不会留下任何历史痕迹,但绝对让你笑爆。故事虽然设定在古代,但都是旧瓶子装现代酒,里面各种生活细节都同现代社会挂上钩。

Though anxious for himself, Stylax and Grumio to see a beast show in the arena Marcus is sufficiently captivated by the Gallic animal rights activist Delphine that he and his friends take part in a nude protest against animal cruelty. Ultimately this leads to them being thrown to a lion in the arena, along with Landlord, whose formidable mother has now taken over the building. Fortunately she has also inadvertently shown Grumio how to save himself from the lion.

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