那一年的幸福时光(2009) 那一年的幸福時光/The Happy Time in That Year

更新:2024-01-21 12:01:47
年份: 2009  / 地区: 中国台湾 
类型:未知 / 豆瓣:7.9分 / IMDB:5.1分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

那一年的幸福时光是一部片,老家宜兰的江陈博(温升豪 饰)几个月前到台北闯荡,由于他个性单纯,工作刚几个月被公司仼命为副总,别人认为这是一个圈套,只是他本人蒙在鼓里而已。公司内部员工尔虞我诈,涉世未深的陈博深感工作压力巨大,面对蜘蛛网般纷乱的人事关系,他处理起来无从下手,一度产生辞职回老家的念头,但他的热恋情人高级白领黄国芬(隋棠 饰)可不这样想。回到宜兰后,他就是个地道的农民,因自家果园生虫害,他自告奋勇向父亲保证可以查治,但一出家门他早把一切忘到爪畦国了,最终返回台北。陈博的妹妹素馨(郭采洁 饰),怀惴少女美好的理想也来到台北寻梦,随即被富家子弟林英杰(杨一展 饰)追求,不料却遭他人算计让两人的感情生变......

Jiang Chen Bo is the typical loser: He is not fashionable or charming and has no money, girlfriend or respect. Then, an out of the blue promotion changes his world. Suddenly, he becomes the beacon to his father's rather uneventful life, the love bridge between his elite boss and his innocent younger sister, the money-tree for his gold-digging lover. However, things that come easily, go easily. The news of him quitting his job caused his lover to leave him, his father to have a stroke, and his sister to break off contact with his ex-boss. He tries to come up with plans to make everything better, only to have them backfire on him. But, family is always there to help him pick up the pieces.

一句话评论:御姐控宅男的幸福范本。回頭就能看見你。TTV上的杰馨恋影评。The Happy Time in That Year。幸福时光近在眼前。你的身旁才是會開花的世界。幸福就是可以很简单。幸福。眼淚。。旅行的意义,是为了走过还是为了回归。累了你就回家。
