时尚王(2012) 패션왕/时尚之王 / Fashion King

更新:2024-05-26 08:05:29
年份: 2012  / 地区: 韩国 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:5.8分 / IMDB:5.9分
语言:韩语  / 片长:

时尚王是一部剧情,爱情片,一个是小裁缝店的社长姜英杰(刘亚仁 饰),每次在知名品牌新品发布会后,立即模仿画出当季潮流服饰,然后加工制作贩卖;一个是被美国著名设计学校录用却没钱去上的李佳英(申世京 饰)。因为一场误会,佳英被赶出了寄宿的服装店。无家可归无地可去的她看到了一张招聘。招聘人就是姜英杰。佳英抱着试一试的想法前往了裁缝店。她的技术得到了认可和英杰的注意。   而英杰此时的大烦恼则是,他正在被贷款所累。想要向同学——现在时尚界的名人郑在赫(李济勋 饰)借钱,却遭到了一番羞辱。而这边,佳英设计的衣服在市场上得到好评,英杰意外得知佳英没钱去念书的事。英杰从佳英身上看到当年的自己,于是决定资助佳英去念书。就这样,新的故事拉开序幕。成为时尚王之前的他们经历了种种挫折和磨练,只为达成心中所想所愿……

Fashion King tells the story of Lee Ga Young who is a talented seamstress that is driven out of her foster home after being falsely accused of arson. Kang Young Gul owns a small-time clothing store that reproduces faux designer clothing. When Young Gul's former classmate and successful fashion entrepreneur, Jung Jae Hyuk refuses to give him a loan, Young Gul swears to one day buy his company out. However, Jae Hyuk is more concerned about getting back together with his equally successful ex-girlfriend, Choi Anna. Through a series of events, the four meet once again on the other side of the world in New York City. The fateful ties of these aspiring designers are triple-knotted in a story about new challenges, rivalry, success and love. Yoo Ah In returns to the small screen for the first time since Sungkyunkwan Scandal in the hit Fashion King . Joining him is the increasingly popular Shin Se Kyung ( Tree With Deep Roots ) and Lee Je Hoon ( Three Sisters ), and rounding out the cast is ...

一句话评论:时尚王大结局编剧不脑残,姜英杰之死合理性分析。。第9、10集 悲剧,编剧自带盒饭,去。第11 12集 爱情本身就是一场冒险。2012时尚风云之三 扔泥巴VS捅软肋。纠结反复神经质的BJ夫妇杀了亚仁毁了申世京。山寨王变时尚王。爱情从金钱开始——时尚王三四集。没有什么比真实更美。2012时尚风云之特别篇 2012个为什么。四六不着的剧情必然会有蹩脚的结局。

下载信息 大小
时尚王 4.7 GB
[]韩剧 时尚王 [全20集] Fashion King Complete 720p HDT 27.8 GB
时尚王14.rmvb 0.2 GB
时尚王15.rmvb 0.2 GB
时尚王06.rmvb 0.2 GB
时尚王05.rmvb 0.2 GB
时尚王03.rmvb 0.2 GB
时尚王09.rmvb 0.2 GB
时尚王04.rmvb 0.2 GB
时尚王11.rmvb 0.2 GB
Fashion King (2012)Е01-02 404.77 MB
Fashion King (2012) E11-12 0.4 GB
Fashion King (2012)Е03-04 0.4 GB
Fashion King 2012 Complete Small 3.8 GB
Fashion King (2012) E18-20 615.33 MB
Fashion King 2012 KDramaAVI 14.2 GB