真爱如血 第三季(2010) True Blood/血夜迷情 第三季 / 真血 第三季 / 噬血真爱 第三季 / 真爱如血 第三季

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:39
年份: 2010  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情 奇幻  / 豆瓣:8.3分 / IMDB:8.4分
语言:英语  / 片长:
真爱如血 第三季剧情介绍

Having decided to accept Bill's marriage proposal, Sookie finds the restaurant deserted and sets off to find him. She tries to enlist Eric's help but he has his own problems when the Queen and the Magister show up at the club, concerned about the increasing sale of vampire blood to humans. Bill's captors are unknown to him and he manages to escape only to face another enemy. Tara meanwhile is having trouble coming to grips with the death of Eggs and decides to do something about her life. Jason is having to deal with what he's done and wants to confess all. Hoyt Fortenberry has moved in with him and he is pining for Jessica who is having to decide what to do with the body of the trucker she fed on. Sam Merlotte travels to Arkansas and is coming closer to learning about his biological family.

一句话评论:冬季的海洋——E大23事。第三季剧情讨论(季终)。尽管脸上刷了白粉,但帅哥终究是帅哥。Shifter为财死,Vampire为食亡。。True Blood ,Bleeding Love。依然相信Bill是真心爱Sookie。腹黑男+牙缝女+痞子男的三人行。《TRUE BLOOD》颂:天下无敌文武双全泽被苍生千秋万代一统江湖同气连枝上天入地惟我独尊断古绝今霹雳神作~~。感情:无关轻重 只管先后。论吸血鬼情人的核心竞争力。

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