洪堡县(2008) Humboldt County/洪堡镇

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:32
年份: 2008  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情 喜剧  / 豆瓣:7.4分 / IMDB:6.4分
导演:Darren Grodsky,丹尼·雅各布斯
语言:英语  / 片长:97

洪堡县是一部剧情,喜剧片,皮特(吉瑞米•斯特朗 Jeremy Strong 饰)即将从医学院毕业进入医院实习,他的前途已经铺设完毕,未来一片光明。可是,就在这个节骨眼上,学校的教授竟然给了皮特一个不及格,挂了科的皮特无法按时拿到学位证书,他梦想中的一切都在霎时间沦为了泡影。   绝望无助的皮特陷入了自暴自弃的情绪之中,他认识了一位名叫波盖特(费尔鲁扎•鲍克 Fairuza Balk 饰)的女子,虽然她自称是演员兼歌手,但实际上她就是一个无所事事的无聊份子。跟着波盖特,皮特来到了她的老家洪堡县,让皮特感到不可思议的是,波盖特家中的所有人,都靠着种植大麻维生,也难怪他们都有些疯疯癫癫的。

Peter is burned out: finishing med school at UCLA, failing the bedside manner class his father teaches, no sleep in days. He spends the night with Bogart, a woman he's just met, and the next day, sleepily gets in her car. He wakes up in Arcata, where Bogart's foster family lives in the woods: Max, his daughter, mom, and step dad. They grow marijuana for their own consumption, except for Max, who has planted six hidden patches for one big score. Bogart hates pot farming - feds are on constant patrol - so she splits, leaving Peter to depend on Max for a ride to the bus. A day stretches into two, and Peter puts off leaving. A reckoning with his dad is inevitable: is Peter's rebirth possible?

