神秘博士 第六季(2011) Doctor Who/异世奇人 第六季 / 下一位博士 第六季 / 哪一位博士 第六季 / Dr. Who Season 6

更新:2019-05-10 01:05:10
年份: 2011  / 地区: 英国 
类型:剧情 家庭 冒险  / 豆瓣:9.1分 / IMDB:8.9分
导演:托比·海恩斯,杰里米·韦布,Richard Clark,Julian Simpson,Peter Hoar
语言:英语  / 片长:
神秘博士 第六季剧情介绍

神秘博士 第六季是一部剧情,家庭,冒险片,神秘博士再度归来!博士将踏足美国,与Amy和百夫长Rory展开全新征程,等等,还有!River Song,这个神秘莫测的女人将再次回到博士身边,River Song到底是谁?她和博士是什么关系?万众期待的“博士的妻子”一集也将在本季中播出,由科幻大师尼尔·盖曼亲自撰写的该集将会把剧情推向何处?又会揭开博士的哪些秘密?

Four envelopes, numbered two, three and four - each containing a date, time and map reference, unsigned, but TARDIS blue - begin the latest series of the time-travelling adventures. Who sent them? And who received the missing number one? This strange summons reunites The Doctor, Amy, Rory and River Song in the middle of the Utah desert and unveils a terrible secret that The Doctor's friends must never reveal to him. Placing his life entirely in their hands, The Doctor agrees to search for the recipient of the fourth envelope. Just who is Canton Everett Delaware the Third? And what is the relevance of their only other clue: "Space 1969"? Their quest lands them in the Oval Office, where they are enlisted by President Nixon himself to assist enigmatic former FBI agent Canton in saving a terrified little girl from a mysterious spaceman.

一句话评论:river song的时间线【剧透慎入】。每个人的Amelia,兼论River的阴魂不散。时间真的可以变得好美好!!!。一定要写篇评论来为莫法特正身啊有木有。第4集是小高潮!。预告片各种吊足了胃口,4月23快点来吧。时间线一点也不乱!。第六季分集剧情。我還是那個等你的小女孩。吓死我了好嘛!!。

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