爱你爱到咬死你(2001) Morsures de l'aube, Les/Love Bites

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:16
年份: 2001  / 地区: 法国 
类型:悬疑 惊悚 恐怖  / 豆瓣:4.5分 / IMDB:5.0分
导演:Antoine de Caunes
演员:Asia Argento
语言:法语   英语  / 片长:95

爱你爱到咬死你是一部悬疑,惊悚,恐怖片,颓废且英俊青年安东尼(纪尧姆•坎勒特 Guillaume Canet 饰)是典型的夜猫一族,他过着朝五晚九、声色犬马的浪荡生活,周转于觥筹交错、香裙美酒之间。纵观巴黎的各大夜店,永远都能看见安东尼不知疲惫的身影。某晚,他借富有的陌生人乔登(奥拉左•马萨罗 Orazio Massaro 饰)之名混进一个私人派对,这个谎言给他带来莫大的麻烦。派对组织者范•布洛(Jean-Marie Winling 饰)以一百万法郎作悬赏,要求安东尼去寻找神秘的乔登及其同伴维尔莱恩(Asia Argento 饰)。自食其果的安东尼只得接受这个任务,和好友艾迪恩尼(吉拉德•拉文 Gerard Lanvin 饰)想尽办法寻找那个诡异莫测的陌生人。却不曾想,他不知不觉卷入一个吸血鬼的恐怖世界之中……

Antoine is a social wannabe who drops an elusive aristocrat's name to get into an exclusive party. The name - Jordan - gets him whisked by two burly bodyguards into the office of the host, von Bulow, who won't accept Antoine's admission of lying, gives him $100,000, and promises $900,000 more when led to Jordan. Enticed by the money, Antoine, with the help of his friend Étienne, begins his search. He follows trails through Paris's night scene, gets beaten up and bitten, and meets Jordan's sister, Violaine. After a surreal night, he's hooked on her charms but leery of continuing his pursuit of Jordan. Von Bulow insists. Can he find Jordan, get his reward, and attract Violaine?
